Posts Tagged ‘head hunting service’


April 7, 2009

BIE interim is one of the UK’s leading interim management solutions specialists, BIE principally providing interim executives. Interim executive services our interim executive leadership services include: interim executive leader, temporary managers, permanent managers, interim executive training and much more.

BIE is an interim executive search firm that specializes in interim executive placement services.  BIE offers an interim placement service which allows us to attract the highest calibre of interim manager. 

BIE judges their ability to identify and address a problem quickly, their impartiality and their strong people skills make interim managers ideal people to handle turnarounds and business restructurings. So it is not surprising that the most recent assignments of over half of the respondents to the latest Impact Executives’ survey were turnarounds or restructurings.

During the selection and recruitment process of new staff business Managers are often expected to select staff for recruitment on the strength of one of two short interviews/meetings. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t.